8/12/14 - President Barack Obama Recognizes Author Scott Vedder

Today Author Scott Vedder received a letter of gratitude from The White House. Scott has been recognized with the President's Volunteer Service Award for his significant contributions to serving the community. Scott has personally volunteered hundreds of hours for non-profits and community organizations that help support employment initiatives, those that serve veterans and a number of other groups.

 Scott's letter from President Barack Obama says "Thank you for your devotion to service and for doing all you can to shape a better tomorrow for our great Nation." In addition to the President's letter, Scott received recognition from the Corporation for National and Community Service.  

Scott humbly accepts this award and is grateful to have so many opportunities to give back to the community. As part of this recognition, Scott has directed a $1,000 grant to support the National Military Family Association. Learn about how you can volunteer and support great organizations and veterans in your own community. Visit the Veterans Links page at www.ScottVedder.com.

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