8/26/14 - Lieutenant General from Army IMCOM Gives Thanks to Author Scott Vedder for Signs of a Great Résumé: Veterans Edition

Today Author Scott Vedder received a letter of gratitude from the U.S. Army's Installation Management Command (Army IMCOM). Thanks to the generous donations of contributors to his Indiegogo campaign, Scott was able to send boxes full of Signs of a Great Résumé: Veterans Edition to soldiers serving at Fort Knox, Kentucky and Fort Lee, Virginia as well as Transition Assistance Program counselors at Army Bases nationwide and many others as well.

Scott said "It's a pleasure to give back through the Gifts to Army program. I'm so grateful our contributors helped us reach our goal to support 1,000 veterans, transitioning service members and military spouses. These gifts are particularly meaningful to me because my father served at Fort Knox during his time in the Army National Guard."

To learn how you can support our nation's service members through the Gifts to Army program, visit: http://giftstoarmy.hqda.pentagon.mil/

Here, Author Scott Vedder poses with more than 1,000 copies of Signs of a Great Résumé: Veterans Edition which were donated through generous contributors to an Indiegogo campaign.

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