7/1/14 - Five Places You Can Thank a Veteran at Work Before Independence Day and Holiday Job Search Tips

This Fourth of July plenty of Americans will head to the beach, attend a barbeque and send fireworks hurling into the sky.  (Safely I hope!)  Before you head out to the festivities, take a moment to look around your place of employment and recognize a veteran working near you.  We wouldn’t be able to celebrate our independence without the service of our nation’s veterans, so show your gratitude for their service and for their family's support too!

Here are five places you’ll find plenty of military veterans and their families working after their military service.  Whether you’re in Washington or Tinseltown, take a moment this 4th of July weekend to show your appreciation for those who have served:

1.    The Boardroom: Tons of current and former CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and other industry-leading brands are veterans including the heads of Comcast Cable, Foot Locker, Johnson & Johnson, Ralph Lauren himself, Apria Healthcare, Verizon Wireless, Levi Strauss & Co., Amtrak, and of course former Proctor & Gamble chief Bob McDonald, who will be nominated by President Barack Obama as the next Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
2.    The Hospital: More than 75,000 Active Duty, Guard, and Reserve members work in healthcare support occupations, and last year nearly 10,000 separated from the military.
3.    The Silver Screen: Many Hollywood stars played their first important roles in a military uniform including Morgan Freeman, Gene Hackman, Tom Selleck, Bill Cosby, Mel Brooks, Harvey Keitel, Montel Williams and “The King” himself, Elvis Presley.
4.    The Beltway:  Lots of veterans pursue civilian jobs with government agencies.  This is a smart move for many reasons including the “veterans preference” given to vets and military spouses in the hiring process.  In addition to thousands of civilian jobs and contractor gigs, you’ll also find plenty of vets occupying an elected office.  Currently there are 106 sitting members of Congress who have served in the military including 9 current members of the military reserves (8 House, 1 Senate), and 6 current members of the National Guard (all in the House).  As a side note, twenty-six Presidents of the United States served in the military before heading to The White House.
5.    The Classroom:  Veterans have proved they’re highly trainable.  Vets make great trainers too – and so do their families! Page 4 of a 2013 report from The White House found that the #1 job you’ll find military spouses working in is teaching.

No matter where you work, you’re likely to encounter veterans.  Take a moment to show your sincere appreciation for their service.

If you’re part of the 6.3% of the workforce still looking for work, take advantage of the holiday by posting for open positions when job search traffic may be lower.  You can also use the long weekend to update your résumé and practice interviewing.  I’ll bet some professionals in your life have an extra day off.  Ask them to help you practice your interview skills or schedule a résumé review consultation or interview coaching with me – I’ll gladly skip the ribs and firecrackers to spend an hour helping you prepare for your next great job opportunity.

For more great résumé tips and expert insight, visit www.ScottVedder.com.

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