4/7/14 - We've Reached 40% of Our Goal to Help 2,000 Veterans Get a Job

WOW!  Thanks to the support of our very generous donors we're now at 40% of our goal!  Thank you so, so much!  Because of your support, we’re going to help around 800 veterans and military family members get to work in the civilian sector.  We're less than 20 days away from reaching our goal to help 2,000 veterans.  And we need your help.  Share the campaign link today: http://igg.me/at/veteranjobs

This week the Bureau of Labor Statistics released unemployment numbers which showed improvements for veterans finding jobs in March.  That’s no doubt in part because supporters of this campaign and other advocates for veterans are taking steps to help.  But unemployment numbers don’t tell the full story... there’s lots more work to be done.

Post-9/11 veteran unemployment is still higher than the national average.  Unemployment figures also don’t show the number of veterans who are underemployed, working at jobs below their skill level.

This weekend I met with Eric, a Marine who proudly served as an officer in a finance role during Operation Iraqi Freedom.  He led a team of other finance professionals and managed millions of dollars in expenses for the Marine Corps.  He told me that after his transition to civilian life he didn't have a clear way to articulate his military skills to civilian recruiters.  His résumé didn’t speak for itself.  Eric’s now working in an hourly job in the service industry, making near minimum wage and struggling to find his way on a successful career path that uses his business management and finance skills.

Signs of a Great Résumé: Veterans Edition is a résumé field manual to help Eric and other talented veterans find civilian jobs matching their skills and experience.  Using !@#$%, the Signs of a Great Résumé, we can help veterans get the great job opportunities they deserve in any field.

We need your support.  If you’ve already contributed, please share the campaign link http://igg.me/at/veteranjobs and help us reach our goal to support 2,000 veterans on their next important mission: to get a great new job in the civilian sector.  If you haven’t contributed yet, you can send a copy of Signs of a Great Résumé: Veterans Edition to an unemployed or underemployed veteran for as little as $5.  Contribute today!

Thank you!


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