4/17/14 - Résumé Weaknesses - Are YOU Making this Résumé Mistake? Scott Contributes to Monster.com

Recently I was asked to contribute to an article on Monster.com about the greatest weaknesses on a résumé.  Here's my tip from the article:

You need to remember that your resume is a marketing tool. “The greatest resume weakness recruiters like me see from applicants are resumes that read like job descriptions,” says resume expert Scott Vedder. If what’s written in your resume could apply to anyone, your resume reads too much like a job description.
“Don’t just describe the most basic things you do on the job every day. Be specific,” Vedder says. “Explain and quantify exactly what you’ve accomplished and why your achievements make you the best candidate for the job.”

Read the full article at http://mnstr.me/1p9AmIj.

For more great résumé tips and insight visit www.ScottVedder.com

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