8/27/13 - Scott Vedder Helps Baby Sitters, Au Pairs and Nannies Find Jobs at Care.com

Scott Vedder Job Babysitter Au Pair Nanny Caregiver Care.com Resume Advice Career Interview Tips Thank you Letter
Author Scott Vedder recently contributed to an article at Care.com, the largest online care destination in the world with more than 8 million members across 16 countries. Scott gave great tips for those applying to work as a babysitter, au pair, tutor, nanny or any type of caregiver. Some of his tips include writing a customized cover letter, using the children’s names and personal interests as talking points in your follow-up letter and showing additional ways you can add value as a caregiver. Read the full article here and check out Care’s job postings here. When you apply, be sure your résumé is full of !@#$%, the Signs of a Great Résumé.

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