7/29/12 - Author Scott Vedder's Blog Answers Questions from Readers

Mark from Michigan asks: "How can I do more !@#$% at work to get ahead?"
Once you've read Signs of a Great Résumé you'll be able to easily write a résumé that's full of !@#$% and speaks for itself. Mark is a reader who is looking for advancement opportunities in the automotive industry. He asked a question about how to seek out new opportunities at work so he has more !@#$% to include on his résumé.
Mark's Question:
"My daily job in a Detroit manufacturing facility is pretty routine. I understand that I need to use the Signs of a Great Résumé, but how can I build up more experience if my day-to-day is pretty much the same as everyone else at the plant? How can I get ahead in a career in the automotive industry?"
Scott's Response - An Answer That's Full of !@#$%:
The best ways to get ahead in any industry are by doing a great job, adding value beyond your basic responsibilities, building relationships and making your goals known to your leader. When it's time to apply for that next big promotion, explain what you've learned and what value you've added by writing a résumé that's full of !@#$%.
It should go without saying that in order to get ahead, you should be renowned as a great employee. Not good, but great. Just showing up and doing a good job is not enough. You may get paid just by showing up, but you'll get ahead by making a difference and adding value. Ask yourself what you've done to set yourself apart from the crowd. What are your "Wow!" accomplishments? Have you seized opportunities to innovate or improve upon the work you perform each day? What value do you bring to the company beyond your day-to-day responsibilities?
If developmental opportunities don't seem readily available in your daily work, what else have you done to make yourself stand out? Are there committees, special interest clubs, diversity resource groups or volunteer opportunities "@" which you have taken a leadership role or in which you have participated? What are the "$" value of those contributions? By what "%" has your company improved because of your support? What kind of "#" facts can you use to show the value of your participation? All of these are questions you should ask as you're building your résumé for your next big opportunity.
Next, consider whether you've taken an active role in building valuable relationships. Do you train or mentor new employees either formally or informally? Do you meet, communicate and build rapport with your immediate supervisor? Do you attend voluntary or optional company functions either during or after working hours? What kind of networking do you do at work? Do you always sit with the same crowd at lunch, or do you strike up a conversation with someone new in the lunch line? Are you at the cafeteria for social hour or are you using it as a networking circle? A great résumé will get you an interview. Building great relationships can bring you to the front of the line even quicker.
Does your leader know that you're looking to advance and grow? Sit down and have a heart-to-heart chat about your goals. Ask your leader how you can get there. Ask what your leader thinks you're great at doing, what you still have to learn and how you can learn it. It should not be a surprise to your leader when your résumé shows up in the pile of those applying for a new opportunity. You'll be closer to the top of the pile if your advancement is also top of mind for your leader.
If you take an active role in your own development, you'll have a much easier time getting ahead. Whether you're in the auto industry or any other, you should be in the driver's seat when it comes to your career.
As you continue your development, keep your résumé updated along the way. It's much better to start writing a résumé before you need it. Begin to identify the things that set you apart from the competition using !@#$%, the Signs of a Great Résumé.

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