12/20/13 - Author Scott Vedder Supports Toys for Tots

Author Scott Vedder is proud to support the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Foundation. Each year during the holidays Scott and his family volunteer their time to sort and distribute toys to families in need. This year Scott also rallied his fans and readers to donate copies of his children’s adventure story Crazy Coconut Christmas Chronicles to support the Toys for Tots Literacy Program.

With Christmas just around the corner, there are still children across the country who could use a little extra Christmas magic. Consider making a donation today at

12/16/13 - 'Tis the Season: Holiday Season Job Search Tips

Recently, Scott wrote a holiday guest blog post for the Central Florida Employment Council.
Most people spend December hunting for gifts instead of hunting for jobs. However, December is a great time to jump-start your job search. In my best-selling book, Signs of a Great Résumé, I explain how to write a résumé that speaks for itself. By including specific examples of your achievements, it’s easier to stand out from the competition. The best news this time of year is that most people take a holiday from their job search in December so there is even less competition in the marketplace. Now is the time to give yourself the gift of a competitive advantage in the job marketplace. Whether you’re currently employed or on the hunt for an opportunity, take some time this holiday season to unwrap your potential and write a résumé that speaks for itself. Before you’ve decked the halls and had your share of eggnog, invest in your job search and put the Signs of a Great Résumé to work for you.
Get a head start by searching for jobs in December. A lot of people make New Year’s resolutions to get a new job. That means job search traffic is very high in January. Sure, many recruiters and hiring managers take time off over the holidays. But online job postings can be automated so you’ll still find great opportunities for which to apply. You can also use this time to set up “search agents” on popular job posting web sites and on many companies’ career pages. When you create a search agent, or set up email notifications, the web site automatically looks for opportunities matching the terms you enter. You’ll receive an email when a job opening is posted matching those terms and you’ll be ahead of the competition when the new year begins.

December is also a great time to build your online network. A 2013 study revealed that
96% of recruiters use LinkedIn. Recruiters like me participate in industry-specific conversations on LinkedIn and are looking for talent in forums and group posts. If you’re not on LinkedIn, your competition probably is – but they’re probably not logged in during December when traffic on LinkedIn is at its lowest. If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, use the Signs of a Great Résumé to build one now and include details about your skills and accomplishments. I’ll even volunteer to be your first connection to get your network started – just search for me by name.

Even if you already have a job, December is a great time to refresh and update your résumé. CareerBuilder indicates that
January is the top month for promotions. If you’re applying for a promotion in January, you’d better get your résumé ready in December. Your résumé should include details about your achievements over the last year while they’re still fresh in your mind.

During the holidays and any time of year, be sure you use specific examples to quantify what makes you a great candidate in your field. Your résumé should always be full of !@#$%, the
Signs of a Great Résumé.

! - Any part of your experience that was "amazing!"
@ - Defining points, places, dates and things in your experience
# - Numbers that quantify and prove your past successes
$ - The dollar value of your contributions
% - Figures that easily show growth and results
When you write a résumé that’s full of !@#$%, your résumé will speak for itself and you’ll be on your way to a successful job hunt now and in the year ahead. Here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a joyful job hunt!

12/6/13 - Author Scott Vedder Receives a Personal Invitation to The White House

Author Scott Vedder received an invitation from the Office of the First Lady Michelle Obama to meet with Joining Forces in the First Lady’s office at The White House. Scott offered expert insight on ways to continue to help veterans find meaningful employment by writing a résumé that's full of !@#$%, the "Signs of a Great Résumé.”
Scott met with First Lady Michelle Obama and other government officials at the Disney Institute's "Veterans Institute" program at the Walt Disney World Resort. Scott is humbled and honored by the invitation and proud to continue helping those who have served our country. Stay tuned for more updates!

11/25/13 - Scott Volunteers with Collegiate DECA at UCF

Author Scott Vedder was pleased to volunteer as a judge for Collegiate DECA at the University of Central Florida. This fantastic program prepares students for careers by integrating skills learned in the classroom into real world experiences. Learn more here

11/14/13 - Author Scott Vedder Meets with First Lady Michelle Obama and Government Officials at Veterans Institute Conference

Author Scott Vedder met with the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama at the Veterans Institute.  This day long program was developed by the Disney Institute and in partnership with Joining Forces and other government agencies.  Scott and other career experts, business owners and non-profit leaders helped each other learn more about how to help America's heroes return to work.  Pictured above (clockwise from top left) Scott meets with First Lady Michelle Obama, Army Col. Rich Morales-the Executive Director of Joining Forces, Air Force Lt. Col. Christopher Ford-Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Warrior and Family Support, and Teresa Gerton-Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy for the U.S. Department of Labor.

10/23/13 - Scott Helps UCF's Junior Achievement Volunteers at Résumé Workshop

Author Scott Vedder hosted a résumé workshop for Junior Achievement volunteers at the University of Central Florida.  The group enjoyed great discussion and had a lot of fun learning about how to fill a résumé with !@#$%, the Signs of a Great Résumé. Scott is a proud volunteer and supporter for JA. To learn more, visit www.jacentralfl.org.

10/4/13 - Signs of a Great Résumé Becomes Top-Reviewed Book on Amazon

Signs of a Great Résumé became the #1 Customer Reviewed paperback book in the Resumes category on Amazon among 951 titles.  The most recent reviews rave about how Scott's book has helped them in their job search:
"The Holy Grail of Resumes -  I did not know how to differentiate myself from the infinite pile of resumes on a recruiter's desk.  'Signs of a Great Resume' is like the 'Holy Grail' for resumes. It's a tool that anyone seeking a job must have." -  JohnAOlivares
"Be Specific - Using a very simple formula, Scott breaks down the five "must-haves" for your resume to move beyond a job description of anyone to a description of YOU and YOU ALONE.  This book is a quick easy read and it forces you to take stock of your accomplishments and note what you truly have achieved. You can make your resume stand out and grab the attention of an overworked HR department by following Scott's guidelines."  -IvyLass

9/14/13 - Scott Vedder Interviewed by National Radio Host Stuart Vener

Author Scott Vedder was interviewed recently by nationally-syndicated radio host Stuart Vener. During the interview Scott gave insight on how long your résumé should be, how to connect your résumé to the job posting and more! Listen to Scott’s interview here. Scott’s segment starts just after the 38:00 mark, right after the classic song “Get A Job” by the Silhouettes! Learn more about how you can use Scott’s expertise
help you to “Get a Job!”
Check out Scott's free résumé tips here.

9/2/13 - Signs of a Great Résumé Showcased in JobPostings Magazine Cover Story

Scott Vedder Resume Expert Signs of a Great Resume JobPostings Canada Magazine Résumés !@#$%
Author Scott Vedder was asked to contribute his résumé expertise to Canada’s JobPostings Magazine, Canada's largest career lifestyle magazine. The cover story article “Unconventional Job Hunting Strategies” showcases !@#$%, the Signs of a Great Résumé as a key way for candidates to stand out from the competition.

Scott is also quoted in the article saying, “Instead of writing a résumé that reads like a job description, be sure you use specific examples to quantify what makes you a great candidate.”

8/27/13 - Scott Vedder Helps Baby Sitters, Au Pairs and Nannies Find Jobs at Care.com

Scott Vedder Job Babysitter Au Pair Nanny Caregiver Care.com Resume Advice Career Interview Tips Thank you Letter
Author Scott Vedder recently contributed to an article at Care.com, the largest online care destination in the world with more than 8 million members across 16 countries. Scott gave great tips for those applying to work as a babysitter, au pair, tutor, nanny or any type of caregiver. Some of his tips include writing a customized cover letter, using the children’s names and personal interests as talking points in your follow-up letter and showing additional ways you can add value as a caregiver. Read the full article here and check out Care’s job postings here. When you apply, be sure your résumé is full of !@#$%, the Signs of a Great Résumé.

8/13/13 - Author Scott Vedder Interviewed on Nationally Syndicated Michael Dresser Radio Show

Scott Vedder "Scott Vedder" resume expert radio interview syndicated Michael Dresser "dresser after dark" interview job career tips
Author Scott Vedder was invited to interview on radio veteran Michael Dresser's national broadcast.  Scott gave tips and insight on how to write a résumé that speaks for itself during this 12 minute featured segment.  Download Scott Vedder's interview.  To book Scott as a résumé expert for media interviews nationwide, click here.

8/13/13 - Scott Vedder Mentors Women Unlimited Leaders in Chicago

Scott Vedder mentor "Women Unlimited" women unlimited @womenunlimited_
Scott is pleased to serve as a mentor for leaders participating in the Women Unlimited TEAM program.  Today Scott discussed building relationships and maintaining your personal integrity as part of a successful career in a global employment marketplace.  Scott regularly participates as an expert panelist and mentor for the Midwest and Southern regions of Women Unlimited.  Learn more at www.women-unlimited.com

7/29/13 - Rasumussen College Cites Author Scott Vedder as an HR Job Search Expert

Scott Vedder HR Expert Resume Book Resume Writer Résumé Human Resources Jobs

7/23/13 - Author Scott Vedder Supports Zebra Coalition for LGBT Youth

Scott Vedder "Scott Vedder" Zebra Coalition Zebra House Library Donation Charity Dexter Foxworth
Author Scott Vedder helped the Zebra Coalition to prepare their clients for the workforce.
Zebra Coalition Director Dexter Foxworth said “A big THANK YOU to Best-Selling Author Scott Vedder who presented a résumé workshop to our community's LGBT+ youth earlier this week. He also donated his #1 selling book, Signs of a Great Résumé, for our resource library. Thank you Scott for supporting Zebra Coalition and our community's LGBT+ youth.”
Scott's pictured here with Dexter (on right) and one of the talented staffers who helps serve troubled LGBT youth.  Learn more about this fantastic organization at www.ZebraYouth.org

7/3/13 - Author Scott Vedder Blogs for the Central Florida Employment Council to Help Applicants Prepare a Résumé for Job Fairs

Author Scott Vedder was asked to contribute a blog article as Central Florida job seekers prepare for another job fair sponsored by the CFEC.  Read the full article here.

6/25/13 - Signs of a Great Résumé Reaches Amazon's Top 3 Best-Reviewed Books Among 1,623 Résumé Titles!

Signs of a Great Resume Reviews Amazon Best Seller
Author Scott Vedder is pleased to have Signs of a Great Résumé reach Amazon's Top 3 Best-Reviewed résumé books.  There are more than 1,600 books in the Resume category on Amazon.com.  Read all of the rave reviews here.

6/20/13 - Author Scott Vedder Publishes Children's Christmas Adventure Book

crazy coconut christmas chronicles scott vedder children's story book coloring CCCC
Author Scott Vedder has released a collection of children’s holiday books and entertainment entitled “Crazy Coconut Christmas Chronicles.”  The story is a children's adventure story which spans from the North Pole to the Caribbean Sea.  It takes place on an enchanted island that's full of Christmas magic all year long!  The book teaches children about the importance of teamwork and even how to take a stand against bullying.  The book jacket reads:
“Deep beneath the bright blue waters of the Caribbean Sea, there is a wonderful place where every day is filled with Christmas magic. People of all ages, times and places live there surrounded by gifts and toys in a tropical paradise at the bottom of the ocean. But how did they get there? And how did this magical place come to be? The answer is as amazing as the place itself!”
Join the adventure at www.CoconutChristmasBook.com! 

6/9/13 - Scott Vedder Supports the Central Florida Sounds of Freedom Band

Author Scott Vedder supports the local arts community as a sponsor of the silent auction for the Central Florida Sounds of Freedom Band and Color Guard's summer concert. 
The Sounds of Freedom's mission is to provide exceptional music, entertainment and inspirational services for the LGBT and other community based organizations. 
This talented group of musicians was even invited to perform in the inauguration parade for President Barack Obama!
Learn more about this outstanding group here: www.cfsfband.com

6/7/13 - Summer Job Tips: National Syndicated Article Contribution from Scott Vedder

Scott Vedder Article News Resume Summer Job Summertime Job Teens Ideas Tips
Scott Vedder, author of the #1 best-selling résumé book "Signs of a Great Résumé" is quoted as an employment expert in a nationally syndicated article from Business News Daily.  Read the full article here: http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/4584-summer-job-interview-mistakes.html

6/6/13 - Scott Vedder kicks off summer at simulcast event for Seminole State College

Scott Vedder Paralegal Resume Seminole State College Event Résumé Workshop Simulcast
Scott Vedder was invited to kick off the summer semester at Seminole State College during the "Law for Lunch" event which was simulcast to four campuses across the county.  The Legal Studies program at Seminole State is recognized by the American Bar Association.  Scott spoke about how to make a paralegal résumé speak for itself using the Signs of a Great Résumé.

5/28/13 - Author Scott Vedder Contributes to Central Florida Employment Council Blog

Scott Vedder CFEC Central Florida Employment Council Overqualified Resume Job Applicant
Author Scott Vedder's book "Signs of a Great Résumé" is recognized as recommended reading by the Central Florida Employment Council.  Scott recently contributed an article to the CFEC's Job Seeker blog.  Read the full article here:  http://bit.ly/16nILhW
"Are you being told you’re “overqualified?”
Focus your résumé on exactly what the employer needs." by Author Scott Vedder

5/17/13 - Author Scott Vedder Speaks at Conference for Florida Council of the Blind

Scott Vedder, Florida Council of the Blind, Florida Vocational Rehab, Resume, Résumé Review, Conference, Speaker
Author Scott Vedder at the Florida Council of the Blind Conference
Author Scott Vedder was invited to share his expertise at the Florida Council of the Blind's annual conference.  Scott taught participants how to call attention to their skills and abilities and how to write a résumé that speaks for itself.  To learn more about this amazing organization, visit www.fcb.org

4/26/13 - MBA Chamber of Commerce Recognizes Author Scott Vedder

Scott Vedder, MBA Orlando, Joe Solmonese, HRC, Diva Tyler, Antonio Tapia, Metropolitan Business Association, LGBT, GLBT, Equality
Author Scott Vedder with Joe Solmonese, Diva Tyler and his Family
Author Scott Vedder was recognized by MBA Orlando, the LGBT Chamber of Commerce as among the top New Businesses of 2013.  Scott's accomplishments were acknowledged at the Pride in Business Awards ceremony in Orlando.  Scott met with dignitaries and public officials including Joe Solmonese, the former president of the Human Rights Campaign.  Scott also met with the awards ceremony host actress Diva Tyler and was surrounded by his loving friends and family during the event.

4/22/13 - Business Owners Love Signs of a Great Résumé

Business owners don't have a lot of time to spend searching for great employees.  To impress a busy business owner your résumé must speak for itself.
Lu Muller Kaul owns Balance Orlando, the best-rated massage and structural therapy business in Orlando.  In a blog post about getting hired as a massage therapist, Lu says, "If you don't know how to write a good résumé, I recommend the book Signs of a Great Résumé by Scott Vedder."  Lu knows that the best résumés are full of !@#$%, the Signs of a Great Résumé.
More business owners have written 5-star reviews for Signs of a Great Résumé on Amazon.com.
Signs of a Great Resume Reviews on Amazon Best Seller

4/14/13 - Scott Vedder Contributes to Career Websites in Peru

With Scott's international advice being shared in South America and Europe, successful job seekers from Lima to London are learning why a great résumé should be full of !@#$%.  Click here to read an article published on a career blog out of Lima, Peru.

4/12/13 - Author Scott Vedder Lends Expertise to American Express Open Forum

Scott Vedder Resume Expert American Express Open Forum Signs of a Great Resume
Author Scott Vedder was asked by veteran print and broadcast journalist Carla Turchetti whether the résumé is obsolete.  Scott explained how job seekers can ensure their résumés appeal to recruiters in today's competitive market.  Read the full article here.

4/12/13 - Scott Vedder Helps International Job Seekers in Canadian Magazine

Scott Vedder Expert Canada Arbitrage Magazine Signs of a Great Resume
Author Scott Vedder contributed to Arbitrage Magazine, Canada's first and the world’s largest student-driven business magazine. Scott is helping job seekers across North America and around the world learn why a great résumé should be full of !@#$%. Read the full article here.

4/4/13 - Participants Rave About Scott's Outstanding Presentation at the Central Florida Employment Council's Job Seeker Seminar

Participants and career services professionals were excited to get expert insight from #1 best-selling author Scott Vedder at the recent Job Seekers Seminar presented by the Central Florida Employment Council. 
"I went to Scott's presentation and it was amazing!  I've heard many talks before but none like Scott's.  I liked his presentation so much, we're bringing Scott to speak at the American Institute College of Health Professionals."  - Irene M. - Director of Career Services
"Scott Vedder, Author of 'Signs of a Great Résumé: How to Write a Resume that Speaks for Itself' actually turned a presentation on résumés into a surprisingly humorous, but easy to understand approach about how important it is not to have your résumé sound like a job description!"  Paulette W. - Marketing Director, Central Florida Employment Council

Click here to book Scott for your upcoming career event or seminar.

4/1/13 - Author Scott Vedder Quoted in Healthcare Career Blog

Scott Vedder Healthcare Job Resume Expert Signs of a Great Resume
Author Scott Vedder recently contributed his expertise to the Health Callings career blog.  Read the full article here.

3/24/13 - Author Scott Vedder Supports Libby's Legacy Breast Cancer Foundation

Author Scott Vedder is a proud supporter of Libby's Legacy Breast Cancer Foundation.  This weekend, Scott attended the Scooters 4 Hooters community event at Lake Eola in Downtown Orlando, FL.  Scott was pleased to donate résumé review services for the silent auction to benefit Libby's Legacy.  To learn more about the event and about the important work of Libby's Legacy, visit www.scooters4hooters.com.

3/21/13 - Author Scott Vedder Nominated as New Business of the Year

Author Scott Vedder has been chosen as a nominee for the New Business of the Year Award by the Metropolitan Business Association of Orlando LGBT Chamber of Commerce.  Scott is grateful for this recognition from Central Florida’s business and community leaders.  Award recipients will be announced at the Pride In Business Awards Gala on April 26th.  Check out Watermark’s coverage of the news here: http://bit.ly/11lMW7A

Scott built his business around serving the community and helping students and business professionals find great new career opportunities.  Scott is pleased to offer a variety of publications and services through his thriving new business.

2/24/13 - Author Scott Vedder Contributes to Nationally Syndicated WorkWise Newspaper Column

Scott Vedder WorkWise ModBee Modesto Bee Mildred Culp
Recently Author Scott Vedder contributed his expertise to the nationally syndicated WorkWise column by Dr. Mildred Culp. Scott is quoted in the article which was featured in Sunday daily papers across the country.

2/14/13 - Scott Vedder to be Featured as a Seminar Speaker for the upcoming Central Florida Employment Council Event- April 4th, 2013

Author Scott Vedder has been invited as a featured speaker for the Central Florida Employment Council's upcoming Job Seekers Seminar.  This free event is open to the public.  CLICK HERE for more information or to register for the event.

1/26/13 - Scott Vedder Presents to the MENSA High IQ Society as a Featured Speaker

Scott Vedder Author Signs of a Great Resume Mensa Central Florida Regional Gathering
Best-selling author Scott Vedder was selected an expert speaker for the 2013 Central Florida Mensa Regional Gathering .  Members of the High I.Q. society learned from Scott why a résumé should be full of !@#$%, the Signs of a Great Résumé.  For information on Scott’s upcoming résumé workshops or to book Scott as a speaker for your upcoming event, click here.

1/18/13 - Scott Vedder Contributes to Nationally Renowned Blog

Scott Vedder Blog Mike Michalowicz
Author Scott Vedder is pleased to contribute his expertise to an article by Mike Michalowicz, a nationally-renown entrepreneur, author and columnist for The Wall Street Journal, CNBC and others.  Scott’s tip drives home the importance of maintaining a professional presence on Facebook when you’re on the hunt for job.


1/16/13 - Scott Vedder Recognized by Business Leaders at Women Unlimited, Inc.

Scott Vedder was pleased to be recognized by business leaders and executives at WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. Scott served as a mentor and panelist alongside leaders from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade, PRUDENTIAL, Disney, Tupperware and other leading corporations. To learn more visit www.women-unlimited.com.