6/19/18 - Scott Contributes to Monster.com Article - 5 Critical Elements of Any Résumé

Recently I contributed to an article on Monster.com titled "5 Critical Elements of Any Resume." Here's my tip;
"Scott Vedder, a Fortune 100 recruiter and author of Signs of a Great Resume, says a career summary is the 'movie trailer' of a résumé: 'It’s where you highlight upfront the most important things about you,' he says. This section should be a brief paragraph (three to five sentences) that shows the value you bring by highlighting your skills and a couple big career wins."
I recommend titling this section your "Summary of Qualifications" because if a recruiter is just scanning your résumé quickly, he or she will likely focus their attention on something you've dubbed a "Summary." It's also important to start your Summary with a powerful opening line that includes a few of your best qualities, experiences, or skills and also your total years of experience.
INTEL JUST FOR VETS: If you're a military veteran, be sure to include the words "military veteran" in your Summary so that your résumé can be easily identified for veteran hiring programs offered by many employers.
For more of my best résumé and interview tips, visit www.ScottVedder.com or check out my blog.

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