10/28/14 - Monster.com Article Cites Résumé Expert Scott Vedder

A recent Monster.com article asked ‪#‎résumé‬ expert Author Scott Vedder for his expertise about how applicants come across as "out of touch." Here's Scott's insight from the article:
-- Scott Vedder, author of “Signs of a Great Resume,” says he once saw a job candidate whose resume made him look completely out of touch: It listed the names and Social Security numbers of each of his six grandchildren. “It’s never appropriate to talk about your age or family status on a resume,” Vedder says. “And it’s certainly not appropriate to send a recruiter your family members’ Social Security numbers!”
Frame your experience as a benefit: “Recruiters frequently look for candidates with a proven history of success,” Vedder says. “Look for hints in the job posting which indicate a company is searching for a ‘seasoned executive,’ a ‘mature leader,’ or an ‘established professional’ or for jobs which require ‘10+ years’ experience. Then give specific examples to explain why your background makes you a great fit for the job.” --
Learn more about how to stand out for the right reasons on your résumé and avoid seeming "out of touch." Visit www.ScottVedder.com for great tips today!

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