10/28/14 - Monster.com Article Cites Résumé Expert Scott Vedder

A recent Monster.com article asked ‪#‎résumé‬ expert Author Scott Vedder for his expertise about how applicants come across as "out of touch." Here's Scott's insight from the article:
-- Scott Vedder, author of “Signs of a Great Resume,” says he once saw a job candidate whose resume made him look completely out of touch: It listed the names and Social Security numbers of each of his six grandchildren. “It’s never appropriate to talk about your age or family status on a resume,” Vedder says. “And it’s certainly not appropriate to send a recruiter your family members’ Social Security numbers!”
Frame your experience as a benefit: “Recruiters frequently look for candidates with a proven history of success,” Vedder says. “Look for hints in the job posting which indicate a company is searching for a ‘seasoned executive,’ a ‘mature leader,’ or an ‘established professional’ or for jobs which require ‘10+ years’ experience. Then give specific examples to explain why your background makes you a great fit for the job.” --
Learn more about how to stand out for the right reasons on your résumé and avoid seeming "out of touch." Visit www.ScottVedder.com for great tips today!

10/19/14 - Pellissippi State Community College Library Adds Signs of a Great Résumé as Student Resource

Thank you Pellissippi State Community College for adding Signs of a Great Résumé as a resource for students in your library!

10/16/14 - Congressman John Mica Thanks Author Scott Vedder for Helping Military Veterans

Author Scott Vedder was invited to join Congressman John L. Mica at the University of Central Florida's UCF Veterans Academic Resource Centerfor the "Boots to Business Suits" job event for military veterans. 

Congressman Mica thanked Scott for his support of veterans at UCF and across the country.

The VARC was among the many organizations who benefited from Scott's Indiegogo campaign to help 1,000 veterans get to work. Learn more at www.ScottVedder.com.