2/11/19 - Army War College Extends Scott Vedder an Invitation to National Security Seminar

Recently, Scott accepted an invitation from Major General John Kem to attend the 65th annual National Security Seminar at The United States Army War College at Carlisle Barracks in Pennsylvania, just north of historic Gettysburg.

The seminar is a capstone symposium for US and international military leaders who are students at the Army War College. Hand-selected civilian guests critically help students examine national security issues affecting our nation. "I’m humbled and honored to have been selected from the hundreds of nominees," said Scott.

The War College is the Army’s center for strategic thought and delivers senior-level professional education to personnel from all the Armed Forces and select civilian national security professionals. You can read more about the National Security Seminar here: https://www.csl.army.mil/nss/Documents/NSSFactSheet.pdf