9/18/14 - Thank You Note Tips from Author Scott Vedder (Business News Daily)

Recently Author Scott Vedder was quoted in BusinessNewsDaily in an article about writing a "Thank You" note after an interview. Here's Scott's tip:
"Don't just thank your interviewer for the time they spent. Provide additional value by giving more details about why the employer should hire you. Be sure you use specific examples of how your past performance makes you a great candidate for this new job."

9/11/14 - Scott Helps Job Seekers and Veterans at Central Florida Employment Council Event - Sponsored by Christian Help

Last week Author Scott Vedder helped hundreds of job seekers get to work including a résumé workshop at Christian HELPs Central Florida Employment Council event. How can Scott help you? Book Scott to speak at your job event today! www.ScottVedder.com

At the event, Scott met Jon, a proud veteran and beneficiary of the Indiegogo Campaign where Scott helped more than 1,000 veterans get to work. Thanks for your service Jon! http://igg.me/at/veteranjobs/

For great résumé and interview tips, visit www.ScottVedder.com!

9/4/14 - Scott Vedder Gives Great Job Search Advice During "Get It Together Girl" Radio Interview

Yesterday, I was pleased to be featured on the Get It Together Girl show on BlogTalkRadio.  My interview begins at the 6:20 mark on the recording of the show.

During my chat with the show's host Karyn, I gave great tips for writing a résumé that's full of !@#$%, the Signs of a Great Résumé.  I also covered how to write a résumé if you've been unemployed, how military veterans can showcase their experience to civilians and how volunteerism and community service can be used to show you're qualified for job.

9/1/14 - Baldwin Park Living Magazine Features Author Scott Vedder

This month I'm grateful to be featured in the September issue of Baldwin Park Living magazine. Read the three-page article here and learn more about how I'm helping folks get to work in my Central Florida neighborhood and across the country!

Thank you to Sandi from the Central Florida Employment Council for your kind words in the article.  Join me, Sandi and other employment professionals at the FREE CFEC Job Seeker Seminar on September 11, 2014 from 6pm to 9pm at College Park Baptist Church in Orlando.  Get more event details here!